
In the heart of Santa Cruz, California, Kimi stands as a beacon of Metta, what she describes as the embodiment of goodwill. Her self-healing journey has led her to teach the essential art of holistic communication – communication with self, others, through home environment, and creative expression. The ability to hold one’s emotional truth while being objective and looking at facts is a delicate dance she plays with daily.  

Kimi’s story began when she was adopted from Korea at just 16 months old. She landed in the beautiful setting of Santa Barbara, California, where she grew up in a loving home with an older Korean sister (not biological), a Lifeguard Supervisor father, and a Special Ed school teacher mother. The ocean became her sanctuary, a blessing that continues to shape her perspective today.

Her path was marked by adversity with early exposure to subconscious trauma and growing up in a predominantly white community that challenged her sense of self. Bullying in grade-school through Jr. High School, racism, and harassment deepened her unconscious sense of unworthiness and fear of abandonment.

At fourteen, Kimi had a very personal and unique experience that changed her life forever. She escorted Korean Adoptee children to LAX, participating in the heart-wrenching separation of children from their biological parents. Living through this experience as a young adult made her realize that her unexplained, deep sense of sadness, fear of abandonment, and lack of self-worth was very much part of her story.

Not having access to tools and resources to process these experiences, Kimi left home at 15 years old and turned to numbing her pain with drugs and alcohol. As friendships and relationships fell apart, she realized that numbing only made her suffering worse. To heal, she courageously faced her inner darkness by writing and vocalizing her experiences.

Through her journey, Kimi discovered the power of Metta – an attitude of goodwill and the key to cultivating pure happiness within oneself. Over the last decade, she’s learned how to accept and nurture all parts of her being to curate a sense of safety within her own heart.

Over the years, Kimi met people from all walks of life who sought her guidance and support. She provided personalized resources and tactical skills to individuals, couples, and communities. Her soul’s purpose is clear: to alleviate the world of fear, pain, and silent suffering.

As Kimi says, “We all suffer in many ways that is personal and unique to each of us. There is a deep systemic stigma around the simple acknowledgement of one’s pain that we, as healers, must address. When we surrender to the most painful parts of our existence and learn how to consciously navigate through them, only then are we able to gain wisdom and access to true love. 

Facing one’s truth takes courage, grit, and emotional resilience – it is a life long journey. This work is essential. It 
opens our hearts and gives us the gift of meeting the world with candor, compassion, empathy, and the purest form of love.” 

Welcome to Kimi’s world of Metta where you will learn the art of holistic communication. Here, you’ll find a path to self-love, connection, and healing.

My Passion

I am a lifelong student, ever evolving in my quest to serve the world. My role is to hold a sacred space where people can connect with their authentic selves and embrace a life of genuine expression. Witnessing this beautiful transformation is my driving force.

When we courageously confront life’s challenges with the intention to gain wisdom and learn about ourselves, we not only deepen our understanding of ourselves – we also open the door to genuine human connections. By learning to love ourselves in the unique and personal ways we need, we become more empathetic towards others and more easily recognize our shared humanity. We understand that we are all imperfect beings that bring a perspective to the world that is unrepeatable by any other . This, in my experience, is the catalyst for the most profound positive change in people’s lives and the world. Authenticity, honesty, and self-compassion are the cornerstones of our journey. Only when we are kind and genuine with ourselves can we extend the same kindness and authenticity to others.

Asking for help may seem unfamiliar to some, but in life, we all need community and guidance, much like a world-class athlete relies on coaching and support. A mentor’s experience, enthusiastic encouragement, objective insights, and wisdom are essential in achieving the life we truly deserve and desire.

My Goals

MSP was born from a deep commitment to offer anyone seeking personal growth and transformation access to a skilled coach and mentor, regardless of financial circumstances. This has always been a dream of mine and one that continues to manifest itself into reality.

My goal is to continue to work with individuals, couples, and groups globally, to inspire and teach ways to live a life with ease. I aspire to broaden my impact by inviting coaches, spiritual guides, and healers who share this vision to join in this effort with me. 

By 2027, my goal is that 50% of proceeds will be dedicated to serving underserved communities, ensuring they receive the specialized assistance they require. 

Check out my packages.
Low income and scholarship applications are available.

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